South Africa -Table Mountain to Cape of Good Hope

Day 1- We took a break from being on safari and decided to spend some time in Cape Town. Interesting sites to see in and around the area.

Table Mountain-The view from the cable car on the way and at the top are spectacular. Surrounded by Twelve Apostles Mountains is one of most amazing sites.

When we arrived, there were many baboons in the parking lot…they stole the show.

Cape of Good Hope – Hiking to the Lighthouse was worth the steep climb I took deep breaths . A 90 minute hike to Cape of Good Hope and truly spectacular.


  1. After reading this blog I think I should get my passport ready because I am going to Cape Town😂. Great blog and I am delighted you had a great time seeing the beauty of the place such as the Table Mountain🔥🙌


  2. It’s a goal of mine to visit South Africa someday, as it’s an absolutely gorgeous place. However, I wouldn’t choose to come six feet near that baboon!!!

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