Norse Vikings – Arrived In Canada

Norse Vikings – Arrived In CanadaL’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland- Very historic site to see. We walked up the steep rocky hill to the Museum. We realized in 1000AD Norse seafarers established a base here. They relied on their wooden boats to withstand the pounding North Atlantic. They carried heavy cargo to Greenland and Iceland. Eventually they came to Newfoundland. Anne Stine and Helge Ingstad from Norway, they rediscovered the history of American Vikings.

This old wooden wheel barrel and they redid this

These posers were the Norwegian people and my doggie was staring at them

We walked the Museum and very historic

The Snorri – Sails were woven of wool and the rigging was horsetail and walrus- hide rope. The acidic bog soil here preserved discarded wood over 3000 years. Wood was important for Aboriginals and essential to the Norse from Greenland.

Gokstad Ship AD 900 found in a burial mound in Norway. Historians think it may have a Royal Owner.

We were very interested to visit and see the history of the VIKINGS. A little research in advance was a good idea. The site is very isolated on the edge of the ocean, but there’s a beautiful and easy way to maneuver walking on the boardwalk around the whole site. First you walk through the (covered) site of the original “dig”, then on to visit the 4 buildings that were reconstructed following the original plans. Parks Canada staff in period costume explain what you’re seeing and how the buildings were used by the Vikings. Very interesting and a real step back in time. 

The recreated Viking huts where people are dressed in old Norse clothing. People telling stories and a woman demonstrating finger knitting

We were seeing the Seal Skin hanging on the shed


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